I am super excited to share that I was one of 90 artists out of 234 applications selected for the City of Albuquerque’s Urban Enhancement Trust Fund (UETF) 2022 Resiliency Residency program. I will receive $2500 plus additional support such as brainstorming, access to resources, and more from my non-profit partner organization Puha Hubiya.
I still can’t believe that my proposal was selected! It is such a tremendous boost to know that the City of Albuquerque Public Art Division, the UETF committee, and Puha Hubiya saw value in my proposal and me as an artist. Whoa!
Before I go any further, I would deeply remiss if I didn’t thank all of YOU who have encouraged and supported me. Special thanks to my partner who provides ginormous amounts of support and encouragement and keeps me supplied in tea. Many thanks to all of you who encouraged me to share my art whether we are connected via my Silver Raven Creations Facebook page, LinkedIn, email conversations, or text messages. And thanks to Jill Angelo, CEO of Gennev, the team at Gennev, and especially my menopause support group that came out of one of Gennev’s programs. Without all of this support, I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to apply for the residency.
My proposal project is tentatively called The Menopause Art Project. While I am still working out the details, part of it will consist of my own artwork (you can see my first piece here) and part will have a public aspect to it. I will likely be looking for additional support for the public aspect of this project so if you are interested in helping, drop me a line.
If you’d like to keep up on this project, see or purchase my latest artwork, and/or hear about my adventures in Shop Class, please feel free to subscribe to my list. You can also follow me on Facebook on LinkedIn.
Thanks for letting me share!